Mōʻike Camp Finale End Thoughts - Weʻre Back
After a little hiatus, we’re safely and contentedly back to what we prefer to be doing: immersing ourselves and our youth back into and onto the land. Our latest course, Mōʻike, (dream manifestation/building) was a great way to begin and ease into the New Year and it was clearly needed, as we filled up our course capacity almost immediately. New faces are always special to welcome, as are the returning ‘veterans' to our sphere, and we were warmed to find that half of our course participants were returnees for more of what we try to do.

Our Mōʻike Program was based upon looking at, and building towards the realizing of ‘dreams’. The dreams spanned wide and far with many simply wanting to have interface with others and the natural world, after so long a hiatus within walls and in front of screens. For others, the dreams were more specific and dealt with future plans, future lives, and hopes for others. Still others were content to dream and work on the grand project of ’self’ and all that this entails.

Miss Charisma, Liana, encouraged a sense of realizing those dreams and wishes through workshops, which included having each participant create their very own dreamcatcher. Jeff immersed the group in his Value workshops and encouraged a little more self-recognition. ‘Auntie’ Julie ran the entire food program in her typically brilliant way, and of course Momo the Aussie Shepherd, just gave, gave, and gave more. Nicole and Paiden, as always, made our permaculture gardens spring up and envelope the participants, during the service project.

It was a joy to have the group continue the process of not simply experiencing ‘place’ but also to encourage them to recognize themselves within the space and seek to expand their own perspectives.
Our pizza oven was joyfully back in action after a long rest. Our final dinner was a banquet of handmade pizzas heated within the brick pizza oven that has become such a staple for our courses.

We’re now in the process of preparing for our upcoming (and fully booked up) "Aloha Nā Keiki” program, commencing February 13th.
Wish safe wishes that we all get out ‘there’ a little more

Onwards, ever onwards,
The Akahiao Nature Institute team